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Travel Grant for Early Career Professionals from Marginalized Groups

SSSS professional members who are early-career professionals from a marginalized group(s) are invited to apply for the travel grant when submitting their abstract (as lead author) to be considered for presentation (as lead presenter) at the SSSS Annual Conference. 

An early-career professional is an individual who has completed their terminal degree within the past 5 years (2018-2023).

A marginalized group could include, but is not necessarily limited to, BIPOC, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and first-generation college graduates. 

SSSS awards up to two grants, per year.

The grants are managed by the Conference Planning Committee. 
The committee members use an established rubric for the review process. The committee members submit their independent reviews for each applicant to the SSSS office. After the review process is complete, the SSSS office compiles the scores and informs the committee members of the results. The committee members will meet to discuss the results and confirm with the office the two SSSS professional members who will be awarded the travel grants. The office retains the rubrics for at least two years. If there are questions about, or challenges to, the grant decisions, these records will serve as evidence of a fair and transparent review process. 

The grants are funded by Taylor & Francis, the publisher of The Journal of Sex Research (two grants awarded per year).

Not Eligible:
Current SSSS student members, graduate students, or students who graduate(d) in the current calendar year are not eligible to apply. If you graduate(d) in the current calendar year, please consider applying for the travel grant next year.

The 2024 submission period is closed.

Not a SSSS Member? JOIN TODAY!

The year the grant is presented, the recipient receives:

  • Certificate
  • Complimentary conference registration*
  • Three nights' accommodation at the conference host hotel*
  • $300 check, intended to help cover the cost of other travel expenses*

*If travel is not required to attend the conference (e.g., the recipient lives in the conference city of where the conference is being held, or SSSS holds a virtual conference), travel and hotel will not be provided, but complimentary conference registration will remain in place.

Conditions on Accepting the Grant

  • The recipient must attend the conference the year the grant is awarded.
  • The recipient agrees to be mentioned as the Travel Grant recipient during the conference, on the SSSS website (Sexual Science News, Conference page, etc.), and Conference Program/Event App.

Application Period - Begins with abstract submission.

Identical to the Annual Conference Abstract Portal open & close dates.

Application Process This section was updated mid-2022 and differs from the current SSSS Awards & Grants Policy. Step 2 of 2 has been updated to have SSSS send the email to the applicants after their abstract has been accepted to complete their essay, instead of sending the email within seven days of receiving their abstract submission. 

SSSS professional members who are eligible to receive the travel grant will start the application process by selecting to apply for the travel grant when submitting their abstract.

STEP 1 of 2 - Travel Grant Application / Abstract Portal

During the abstract submission process, select to apply for the travel grant and complete/upload the items below:  

  • Graduation year of terminal degree
  • CV (as a pdf attachment)

STEP 2 of 2 - Travel Grant Application / SSSS Member Portal 

Short Essay (500 words maximum) to include:

  • Why you are eligible - be sure to indicate the marginalized group(s) you identify with.
  • Why you need and how you would benefit from the travel grant.
  • If you have any other sources of travel funding.

After decision notifications have been sent, abstract has been accepted, and all required information was completed from Step 1, an email will be sent to the applicant to complete step 2.

The email will include a link to an online form to submit the essay. To access the online form, the applicant will need to log-in to the SSSS Member Portal.

Note: The email will be sent to the email address listed in the applicant's profile in the Abstract Portal. Contact SSSS if the email address has changed since submitting the abstract.

Review Criteria

Two grant recipients will be chosen by the Annual Conference Planning Committee, based on the criteria below:

  • Quality of conference abstract submitted
  • Research accomplishments in the field of sexual science
  • Financial need and benefits of conference attendance as described in the essay.
Incomplete applications and/or applicant's not following instructions will not be considered.

Questions? Contact SSSS at

Travel Grant Recipients


Cristóbal Francisco Calvillo Martínez, PhD
Prevalence And Factors Associated With Dating/Sexual Violence Among Youth



Ibriana Garvey, MPH
An Exploratory Analysis Of Feminine Hygiene Products And Their Potentially Harmful Effects For Black Women’s Sexual And Reproductive Health


Humberto López Castillo, MD, PhD
Podcasts As Tools For Sexual And Reproductive Health: A Scoping, Systematic Literature Review


Sadandaula Rose Muheriwa Matemba, PhD, MSc
Early Sexual Debut Among Young Adolescent Boys And Girls (10-14 Years): A Determinant For Early Initiation Of Sexual Health Support In The United States


Natalie LeBlanc, PhD
Sexual Health Conversations Among Black Heterosexual/opposite-sex (BHOS) Couples In New York State


Rica Cruz, PhD
Sexual Pleasure for the Filipino Woman - The Wife, The Mother, and the Slut: A Grounded Theory Perspective

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