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Membership Categories

Membership Benefit Year: January 1 - December 31.

Join TODAY and your membership will continue through December 31, 2024.


US$199 per year
(optional - additional $15.00 for printed copy of The Journal of Sex Research)

Professional Members are persons who hold a degree from an accredited college or university (e.g., associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) in a relevant academic discipline or area of expertise. All privileges and benefits of membership apply to Professional Members, including committee service, voting, and holding office.

As of 2022, a Professional Membership encompasses Developing Professional Members, Retired Members and Couple Members. For more information, refer to Article III of the SSSS Bylaws.

US$99 per year
(optional - additional $15.00 for printed copy of The Journal of Sex Research)

Student Members are persons currently enrolled (part- or fulltime) in an accredited college or university program and pursuing a degree (e.g., associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral). Student Members may be asked to validate their student status by means of submitting confirmation documents (e.g., enrollment verification) as determined by the Board of Directors. Student Members exclude any working professionals (e.g., post-docs, medical residents, medical interns, apprentices, or any other person engaged in professional activities after receiving a terminal degree) who are not also currently enrolled in an accredited college or university program. Professional Members who return to pursuing a terminal degree at an accredited college or university program may change their member type to Student Member when they renew their membership the following year. All privileges of membership apply to Student Members, including committee service, voting, and holding office (in the role of Student Representative).

If you have joined/renewed as a STUDENT MEMBER, you must complete the Student Status form within one week of submitting your membership.

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